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Friday, August 28, 2009

Disney Considers Re-release of Snow White with Missing Dwarves

Disney is considering releasing Snow White in its original state. Snow White originally had fourteen dwarves. The extra dwarves were considered inappropriate and cut from the final version of the film.

“You have to remember Snow White came out in the late 30’s. Standards have changed a lot. Back then people took offense to things we don’t think twice about today,” stated Doc Dwarf in an interview.

An additional thirty minutes of film will be added back into the movie including the following scenes:

Gassy dwarf gives a grenade to Snow White while the other dwarves laugh

Touchy dwarf gets slapped senseless by Snow White for being himself

Boozy dwarf finishes off the moonshine and forgets to put his pants on before leaving the house

Stinky dwarf enters a room and Snow White gets sick

Dirty dwarf is diagnosed with scabies and has to sleep in the shed

Ugly dwarf takes the bag off his head and Snow White faints

Wimpy dwarf gets beat up by a group of small woodland animals

The original version is being restored and formatted into 3D so Disney can make as much money off of it as possible. It is expected to be ready for a release during the holiday season.

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