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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Epic Mickey the Mickey Mouse Video Game

Forget what you know about Mickey Mouse video games. Mickey Mouse running around doing fun things with furry critters is a thing of the past. Junction Point Studios is developing a game for the Nintendo Wii called “Epic Mickey.”

I owned a Wii once. I sold it because I never played it. Maybe if Epic Mickey was out back then I’d still have it. It sounds good but it could alienate a lot of Mickey Mouse fans.

Basically the game takes place in a post apocalypse Disney World. There are messed up versions of Cinderella’s Castle and Spaceship Earth. Everything is going to have a steampunk theme to it including overhauls of Goofy, Mickey and other classic characters.

I know they say that life can imitate art or I guess art can imitate art. As some of you know I’ve often put Oswald the Lucky Rabbits in my blog as an evil, vengeful, criminal mastermind. I am not kidding when I say that Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is the bad guy in the new game. Some of you may also remember a post I did that involved a bunch of forgotten characters who teamed up and formed a gang. The irony is the premise of the game involves a bunch of lesser known characters trying to overthrow Mickey.

To prove I’m not kidding here is a direct quote from eurogamer:

The antagonists of Epic Mickey are the largely old and obscure Disney elements, including theme park rides and older cartoons. Having been forgotten, they are now trapped in a "forgotten world of broken machines and bitter personalities." Running this world is Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, one of Walt Disney's first creations, who has become jealous of Mickey Mouse and is seeking revenge. Oswald sends the Phantom Blot to the Disney universe, and it soon covers the world with black ink, causing the colors to run. Using a variety of artist tools, Mickey must return the Disney world to its former glory.”

I really hope this comes out for the PS3 too. This game sounds whacked enough to be either really good or utterly awful. I’d also like to say, if someone from Disney is reading this do you think you could do some of my legitimate ideas instead of taking my ridiculous posts and turning them into video games?

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