I know a lot of people loved The Last Jedi. I am not one of them. Let me explain why before you rip me apart.
1 - The Fin story is hot garbage.
Fin is a great character. Rose is a great character. Put together they are even better. So what should you do with two great characters? Send them off on a stupid plot point, so you can harvest some stuff off if later.
I sat there watching this and wondered - Wait...you can get Finn and company off of the ship, unnoticed, but you couldn't have them save a few people in process? Also, sending them off to find some code breaker, is just dumb. A much better idea, would have been to have Rose accomplish the same thing with her engineer skills. If this was Star Trek - Scotty, Jordi, or another team of engineering would have found a way.
2 - Leia needed to die.
Instead of having an epic send off for a beloved character, you killed the newbie. Why? Why even introduce Laura Dern's character? Killing her off makes the whole comma thing seems like a total waste.
3 - Why kill Snoke?
This made no sense to me. He wasn't in the two movies for a more than a combined ten minutes. What a complete waste of a character. He was a mystery until he showed up in this one. He showed up just in time to kill him off.
4 - People tend to get wiser with age - Unless you are Luke Skywalker.
Luke is now in his sixties and he's beyond dumb. I know some people love how he showed weakness. You can do that without being a total Muppet. The other Jedi we know and love gained some measure of wisdom with age. Luke did not. He was as bad as a whiny teenager, crying in his room.
5 - They wasted Yoda.
Yoda needed to come a lot sooner, instead he comes in, and lacked the impact of old Yoda.
6 - Umm... Space doesn't work like that.
Two things - 1 - Leia would have exploded. Her eyes would have burst, her ear drums popped, and a lot of other awful things, never mind frozen solid.
Second - "We need fuel to stay ahead out of range of bad guys." On Earth - yes, in space - no. There is no friction in space. If ever keeps their rockets going, you keep gaining speed. The physics of this plot point is mind numbing.
7 - Why did we need to have a video call with someone in a gun fight, who didn't need to be in the movie?
Enough said.
8 - Rey's parents were wasted.
This could have been huge. Instead the mystery was tossed out like rotten food.
9 - You killed a legend with hardly a mention.
RIP Admiral Akbar. You deserved better.
10 - Phasma - the new Darth Maul
For years after killing him off in the Episode 1, the powers to be regretted killing off Darth Maul. I think (if she really is dead) we are going to miss Phasma. We hardly knew her.
Now you might think I hated the entire movie. I did not. It had some awesome scenes. You should see it for the following. Most of these are purposefully vague.
1 - BB8 kicks butt, kicks some more butt, and then blows away a whole bunch of Storm Troopers.
2 - Who needs to pick up a broom? If you see it, you'll know what I am talking about.
3 - Warp speed Mrs. lady with the purple hair.
4 - We don't know if it tasted like chicken.
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